Your Personal Health Record
Getting Started
Frequently Asked Questions
Advanced Functions
Hints & Tips
Getting Started
Main view consists of tile view of recently accessed profile and icons to access major functions.

  • Search: search icon on the top left allows you to search profiles by name.
  • Add: plus icon on the top right will allow you to add a new profile/chart.
  • Tile & List View: by using the icon on the bottom left you could toggle between list and tile view. List view shows all profiles, where as tile view shows one profile with more information. Scroll left/right to navigate tile view.
  • Settings: gear icon on the right bottom opens up Settings menu with more options.
  • Notifications: message bubble icon (bottom, second from left) will show all alerts and notifications. Icon will change color (or flash) when messages exist.
  • Feedback: heart icon (bottom, second from right) offers communication options such as send Feedback or report a problem to us.

Tile View
From tile view without opening a chart you could do the following actions.
  • clock icon - view/update medication reminders
  • report icon - view/share summary report
  • star icon - change relationship
  • trash icon - delete a profile
2. Basic Setup
Set Metrics:
Metric is the default weights and measurements in your app.
When the apostrophe and quote are used to signify feet and inches (such as 5'7") or lb (such as 140lb) for pounds while the Metric is ON, the app will convert to cm and kg.

To switch to US Standard Measurements:
  • Go to Settings
  • Move the slider marked "Use Metric in Vitals" to OFF

    NOTE: When Metrics is changed in settings, previously entered data will be converted to the selected type of measurement.
  • 3. Add New Member/Chart Profile
    New Member/Chart:
  • Select the plus icon to add a new member.
  • In the Relation section, select "Me" to identify yourself as the owner. This will show your information in the Profile menu (bottom left).
  • Search for a member/chart by selecting the spyglass in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter the beginning of the first or last name and select Search.
  • To return to the full listing, select the spyglass icon, remove the characters from the search box, and selct the spyglass icon again.

    Enter Height & Weight into the Vitals Flow Sheet:
  • Select a Member/Chart from the Chart menu list.
  • Select the Graph tab from the list of tabs on the right.
  • Select the plus icon to the right of Vitals to open a new edit box.
  • Enter the information & select Save.
  • The Profile (top) tab will reflect Vitals data from the most recent date.
  • Blood Pressure is entered in Systolic/Diastolic format, for example 120/80.
  • BMI (Body Mass Index) will be automatically calculated based on the height and weight you enter.
  • 4. Add, Edit & Update Information
    Create a new entry or update an entry:
    1. Select the plus icon next to a category to enter new data.
    2. Select Save (this will create a line item listing below the category entered).
    3. Select a line item listing to open data boxes in edit mode.
    4. Enter/Edit information & select Update.

    Upload Documents & Images:
    1. When in the Folder tab, select the plus icon next to Results/Procedures or Attachments categories.
    2. Browse/Search for the file, enter the required information, and select Save.
    3. When "From Computer" is selected, a WiFi connection will be required.
    NOTE: To upload a file from email, see Insert/Upload Mail Attachments. For more information on uploading from your computer see Connect from Computer.

    Enter Flow Sheet Data:
    1. Select the Graph tab when viewing a member chart.
    2. Select the plus icon to add a new entry for Vitals (data recorded from your doctor's office), Flowsheet (data related to lab tests), or Self Monitoring (data you track on your own).
    3. Select the Type of flow sheet data to enter.
    4. Fill in/edit the text boxes, and select Save/Update.

    NOTE: Non-numerical text will only show in the listing and summary, but will not be graphed.
    - Flow sheets are created in the Settings. For more information on creating/editing templates, see Creating Flow Sheets.

    Delete a Data Entry:
    1. Open a listing in edit mode.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
    3. Move the slider next to "Delete This Record" to ON; select Update to complete.

    Delete a member/chart profile:
    1. Select the arrow action button in the upper right corner when in a chart.
    2. Select Delete from the pop up box.
    3. Confirm the action by selecting Delete again in the pop up box, or stop the action by selecting Cancel.
    5. View Data
    Flow Sheet Graph:
    1. Select the blue arrow button in line with a listing in the Graph tab.
    2. Use the selections at the bottom of the page to change the time range of information, from one week up to 15 years.
    NOTE: To email data, see Advanced Functions: Email.
    - For additional graph views such as Timeline see Basic Buttons: Arrow Action Button

    Image or Document:
    1. Select the blue arrow button in line with a listing in the Folder tab.
    2. Select the paper and pencil icon in the upper right corner to send the image/document in an email.

    For more options see Advanced Functions: Summary & Timeline
    6. Set Preferences
    Password Settings:
    For security & privacy, create a password to log into your app:
    1. Select Settings:Settings, then Password Settings.
    2. Move the slider for "Enable Password" to ON.
    3. Enter the password in boxes for Password and Retype.
    4. Select and answer a security question - this is a secondary password that will appear should you forget the original.
    5. Select Update
    NOTE: the option to Remember will allow the App to fill in the password text box when Capzule is activated.

    Change the Background Color:
    1. Select Settings: Settings
    2. Scroll to the bottom for a list of colors to personalize your app.
    7. Basic Chart Navigation & Buttons
    Chart Tabs
    The Chart contains a set of tabs along the right margin to provide a quick resource to organize information:
  • Profile: General information such as date of birth may be edited here, Conditions &
  • Immunizations: Record immunizations and vaccinations, record family health history, personal medical history, and social history.
  • Medications: Enter any prescribed medications and over the counter medications, vitamins, or herbs that your doctor should know about. For required fields that you are unsure of try using n/a or unknown.
  • Vitals & Flowsheets: Record data over time & view it in a graph format. Preset flowsheets are provided; formatting may be edited, or new flow sheets created from the Settings menu.
  • Folder: Use the category field in each of these sections to help categorize & organize note entries and uploaded documents/images.
  • Appointments: Create an appointment on the agenda. "My Profile" will report appointments for all family members that are scheduled within the next 30 days. Set a reminder to call for the next appointment by creating a date 30 days before you need to see the doctor, and reminder in the notes section to "call to set up an appointment".

    Arrow Action Button
    This is located in the upper right corner of a member/chart profile, and provides a pop up menu of options for summary, timeline, and graph views along with an option to delete the chart.

    Blue Arrow Disclosure Button
    This will open an attached document or image to view when in the folder tab, or from the graph tab it will open a flow sheet graph.

    Line Item
    Select a line item/listing under a category to open an entry in edit mode.

    Compose (Pen) Icon
    This is available in the upper right corner when viewing uploaded images & documents, graphs, and summaries to allow you to send a copy from your iOS mail.

    Plus Icon
    This helps create a new entry.
  • Capzule PHR © 2024 Webahn, Inc.